
Monday, December 30, 2013

Make it Monday-New Year's Eve Fun

 New Year's Eve Fun
During the day on new years eve you may want to have your child help prepare activities for the late night.  I have listed some ideas below that my family did last year:
1) Hourly Activity Bags
A) Draw clocks on 5 paper bags.  "Set the time" on each bag.  I had one bag for 7:00, one for 8:00, and so on until midnight. 
B) Have your child decorate the bags.
C) Fill each bag with activities. I chose activities that were similar to my son's normal routine.  For example, the bag for 7:00 had colored shaving cream to use during his bath.  The bag for 8:00 contained a small coloring book and crayons.
D) Your child can complete the activities throughout the night.
2) Confetti Poppers
A) Collect cardboard toilet paper tubes.  
B) Split them almost in half.  
C) Encourage your child to cut/rip crepe or tissue paper to fill the tubes.  
D) Have your child fill the tubes with the paper. 
E) Place filled tubes on large sheet of tissue or construction paper.  Roll large paper around tube. 
F) Use ribbon to tie the two edges of the roll. 
G) Break them open at midnight.
3) Noise Makers
A) Obtain empty plastic water or soda bottles. 
B) Open bottles, and set lid aside. 
C) Have your child cut tissue paper to attach to the outside of the bottles. 
D) Prepare equal parts white glue and water. 
E) Have child place the small pieces of paper on the bottle by using a paint brush to "paint" the glue/water mixture on the bottle. 
F) Fill bottle with dry beans. 
G) Use a hot glue gun to place glue on the outside of the mouth of the bottle. 
H) Affix lid.
I) Shake at midnight.
4) Party Hat
Last year we made a hat out of poster board, crepe paper, ribbon, staples, and markers.  There are many ways you can make a hat. 
5) Glitter Balloons
A) Open the mouth of a deflated balloon.
B) Have your child fill the balloon with glitter, torn tissue paper, or other small items.
C) Inflate and tie closed.
D) Tie ribbon around knot of balloon.
E) Hang to pop at midnight.

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