Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friday Fun Day- Cooking up Speech- "Pete's a Pizza"

Cooking up Speech with Pete's a Pizza 
(by, William Steig)

 ♪♫♪♫♪"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore!"♪♫♪♫♪

About a year ago, my then three year old and I read the book, Pete's a Pizza, by William Steig.  This led us to partake in my son's first pizza making experience.  


Even making pizza can help children with sequencing, following directions, attention, vocabulary, articulation, etc.  Just remember that they might add a couple of steps to the equation.  For example, my son decided to eat some cheese.


While you wait for the pizza to bake you can...

1) Read Pete's a Pizza, by Steig

2) Make a Pizza Craft-

 Give your child a circle made of cardboard, tag-board or paper.  Provide glue, sequins, gems tissue paper, and so on to decorate the pizza.

3)  Partake in Pretend Play-

One child lays down and pretends to be the dough of the pizza.  The other children or parents put toppings on the "pizza."  Toppings can consist of fabric scraps, light cars, paper, and so on.  Set a timer for about 30 seconds.  The "pizza" can rise (pop up) when the pizza is done.  

4)  Make a Pizza out of Play Dough



Tuesday, January 7, 2014

(Low) Tech Tuesday-Picture Schedule

Picture Schedules

It can be difficult to find ways to encourage children (and let's face it, adults) to complete tasks.  Picture schedules can help.  

Picture schedules do not have to be complex. About a month ago, I found myself in need of an on the spot picture schedule and reward system. As you can see, our son receives a star for each completed activity.  He is rewarded after 10 stars.  Phone time and fruit snacks are examples of rewards we use in our family. It helps to let your child chose the reward they will earn for completing the tasks.

You can use the reward as a learning experience.   Here, my son is making a pattern with his fruit snacks. He counted them, named
the characters, labeled the colors, and so forth.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday Fun Day- Cooking up Speech- "If You Give a Pig a Pancake"

Cooking Up Speech-PANCAKES

1) Read If You Give a Pig a Pancake, by Laura Numeroff.

2) Make and eat pancakes!

3. Do a coloring and following directions activity. 

I obtained the image for the following directions activity at the link below.

4. Play a game.  We chose to play Memory using cards from a sequencing activity.  Our "follow-up" activity will be to use the cards to sequence the events in the book.


You can find the Sequencing Activity at the following link:

 *These activities focus on following directions, sequencing, vocabulary, social skills, articulation, fluency, labeling, and grammar.*